"Give Celebs a Break"

For every celeb mum-to-be who is feted for being the best dressed Yummy Mummy in town, there are always some who become the focus of much media hilarity and criticism.
You won't find me often siding with the Kim Kardashians of the world but give the poor girl a break. Just saw this post today about her latest supposed fashion faux-pas and felt moved to post.


Hands up who struggled with their own maternity wardrobe? Hell yeah! Who stood in front of the mirror weighing up their bump from every angle trying to decide if a dress made you look well, just plain fat? How many of you then thought 'Sod it! I am pregnant and you will take me as you find me!? Poor Kim doesn't have that luxury. I am sure she longs to throw on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a vest top that doesn't quite cover her bump just to nip to the shops. Instead, she is scrutinised for every single maternity outfit she wears. Granted this dress isn't the most flattering from the back but I think the colour and the front look lovely. Plus she has been criticised by the media for hiding her bump and it was even suggested that she wasn't actually pregnant because of the clothes she wore. So because she isn't showing her bump off at every opportunity that is now seen as a bad thing so they are jumping on her for bad dress sense. I say dress how you feel comfortable Kim..apart from that questionable jumpsuit!