New Year Resolutions for a New Mum

As mums we often put a huge amount of pressure on ourselves, whether it's how we look, how we dress or how we care for our babies and so the last thing we need is to feel obliged to write ourselves a long list of new year's resolutions that we will no doubt break by February. So, in a spirit of solidarity with all new mums out there we have put together a list of resolutions that we think you should try and keep in 2017...


  • Shower at least once a week (preferably without an audience).
  • Wear make-up that hasn't been applied by one of your children.
  • Aim for more napping for everyone.
  • Give yourself a break and take 20 minutes a day to do something just for you, maybe reading your favourite book or magazine, a spot of exercise or a hot bubble bath.
  • Get outside more, whether it's a quick walk to the shops, a trip to a baby group or a playdate with a friend, leaving the house can really improve your mood.
  • Practice saying 'no'.
  • Embrace good enough, don't let your pursuit for perfection make you miserable.
  • Don't try too hard to change; your little one loves you just the way you are. 

Here's to a happy and healthy 2017 to all mums and little ones from everyone at Babyblooms!